Hello everybody! I hope everybody had a great Holiday and are gearing up for a fun and festive New Year's Celebration! I had a wonderful time back in Oregon, despite a couple of weather-related airline delays.
With a new year, comes new year's resolutions. My personal resolution is to get back into shape and run in the Chicago Marathon in October. My boyfriend, one of our best friends, and I are all going to run to raise money for Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection. I feel it's a great incentive to not only get into better shape but also to contribute to a cause that I feel very passionately about.
Speaking, of creative ways of donating to worthy causes - Facebook Causes is doing a wonderful job of making donations more exciting and fun. Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection is a Facebook Cause (you have to have a Facebook account to view the cause and donate) and we're currently trying to raise $2500 by January 8, 2009 in order to get a matching donation. I, myself have already donated $25 and encouarage everybody else to donate too to reach our goal. Currently we need $2415 to make our coal, so please take a little bit of time and give even a little bit of money so that we can continue to help at-risk youth succeed.
Another cool feature with Facebook Causes is the Birthday Cause. Next week is my birthday, and in lieu of gifts, I have asked all of my friends to donate to Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection in order for us to reach our donation-matching goal.
Blogging4Life - Part 2
3 days ago